Babbling April’s Holy Gold

Written By: Yvonne Glasgow

Babbling April's Holy Gold

Babbling April is a DC-based DIY band. Its members are Vivienne Machi, Ben Medina, Dave New, and Ben Melrod. The band was born of New’s love of music and started to grow into something when he paired up with Machi, sometime around 2011. They started as a duo and then grew from there to what you’ll hear now. 

Holy Gold is not the bands first release, and with any luck, it won’t be their last. They do everything themselves, recording and releasing their work the DIY-way. Popular in DC with a good underground following, it’s time more people get to know this talented band.

Holy Gold is the band’s newest EP and was recorded/mixed in New and Machi’s basement, but it doesn’t sound like a recording you’d expect to come out of a basement. Let’s call the music acoustic shoegaze alt-pop.

Each song is a glimpse at life. “Reputation” starts the album out with something that might put Joan Jett in your head, but it’s not really a cover. As you listen you’ll notice the Jett inspiration in the song, but the lyrics are different. This song is paced slow with a dreamy edge to it, giving it a really different feel as well.

There are six songs on the EP. They go from quiet to loud, mellow to melancholy, and from beautiful to deep. You’ll enjoy the differences in each song, but the fact that the band continually keeps that pop-sensibility alive in every track makes it particularly enjoyable.

While “Reputation” really stands out as one of the most unique songs on the album, “In The Vulgate” has the best beat. The clapping and distorted sounds make it a great party song.

This is an album that will be best loved by fans of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs and Vampire Weekend. It’s an A+ album that you’ll cherish as part of your collection of independent bands worth knowing.

You can check out “Reputation” here:

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