WooliebuGGer’s Constant Evolution Parts 1 and 2

Written By: Yvonne Glasgow

WooliebuGGer's Constant Evolution Parts 1 and 2

The single is gaining popularity again in the musical world, once thought dead to people that no longer collect cassettes or even compact discs. However, with sites like Bandcamp and Soundcloud, the single has been given new life. It’s a way for bands to garner interest in their new music before they launch and EP or full-blown album. Ambient/electronica artist WooliebuGGer used this new love of the single to release a two part song, an amazing song that will surely appease any fan of electronic music.
Part 1 is described as having “an awesome sequence and dance beat to heat up the floor.” It definitely has a good beat to it, and it’s hard to listen to it and not want to get up and move. It would make a great track to add to your workout or jogging playlist. Put it last and it can give you one last burst of energy before it’s time to “cool down” with Part 2.
The changeover from Part 1 to Part 2 is very distinctive as it slows down a great deal. Both halves of this song are equally entrancing. While Part 2 does slow down a lot, it’s definitely not a relaxing song. In fact, it has some pretty ominous sounds in it, especially in the beginning.
Take a listen to this amazing two-part track here: https://wooliebugger.bandcamp.com/track/constant-evolution-parts-1-2
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