An Interview with Rebel Wizard


By:  Evan J. Thomas

Side Stage Magazine: Who is Rebel Wizard, the man behind the music?

Rebel Wizard: Just some bloke called Bob, who lives up in the mountains, also behind Nekrasov. Not a huge amount to discuss here, plus I am not sure what I am. Haha.

Being a one-man band, do you ever struggle at times with your creative direction?

I don’t have a direction. In having the two projects, I’ve able to work on something I enjoy or feel the need to indulge in. Both projects are not limited to any style, so there’s a ton of freedom in what I feel like doing. I don’t work with labels or anyone, so it’s nice to wank off on some guitar or work for months on some out of being Nekrasov piece.
Explain the meaning behind “Heavy Negative Wizard Metal”?

It’s just sets the tone for what RW is all about. It’s metal with an attitude of ‘not this, not that’. Negative metal represents being a negative force on the self and in the community; not depression/ sadness/ suicide etc., but an encouragement of other self.

Have you put thought into potentially getting a band together and playing live shows?

Yeah, I have thought about it and it would be fun but I just don’t enjoy the live thing at all. I am a hermit.

Do you think it’s easy for unsigned artists to get their music out to potential fans?

No. The underground is now a cancer for bands pumping $ into marketing. If you don’t have the drive to discover new music, you’ll just be told what to like. It’s happening so much now. Hence why I started RW. It’s repulsive. And all the labels that used to be ‘punk’ are all gloss and desperation now. It’s a miserable realm.
Who are your current favorite Music Artists?

I don’t really have any. I like old stuff. I have mainly been listening to ‘ancient’ music; music from other realms. I sound like a wanker by saying it, I know. Sorry.

I have really been blown away at how incredible Satan has been. Those last two albums are fucking amazing and barely got any love from the ‘scene’ – the maturity in song writing is unmatched. To be involved for THAT long and create those kinds of albums is fucking monumental. There’s tons of great stuff out there but nothing too mind blowing.

I miss out on a lot of stuff as I am still hunting down old demos from the 80s and re-listening to stuff I have always loved. It’s hard, there’s just so much. It’s all very porno to. Covers look incredible now but the music is so generic or boring. There’s always some fad coming in, and 100 bands come in and they end up on everyone’s top lists.

I think I prefer to make the music I want to hear, like cooking. I don’t like the dumplings down the road so I will make my own with extra ginger or something. Haha.

Um, I am trying to think of something recent that I kept playing over and over….nothing comes to mind apart from Satan. I just listened to the new My Dying Bride today that was ok. I like what they do. Not super strong all the way but some magic in there, you can tell they still love it. That’s important.

I actually kinda wish I had people telling me to listen to their band, I used to but not anymore.

What do you do when you aren’t making music?

Don’t make me look at myself. haha

In another interview you mentioned that Metal is just “Getting Worse”.  Can you explain that comment?

It’s an overdramatic statement but, the world as a whole is so metal will be dragged with it. In lots of ways it’s better but the ‘sell out’ feel of it in the underground is a little disappointing. There’s so much trying to please others – not so much of a threat it once was. But that really is the opinion of an angry old man. Haha.

How do you think Metal could get better in the foreseeable future?

I have no idea but it would be nice to have more of outsider underground bands being able to get their heads popped out from the spamming of average bands a bit more.

How often do you go to live shows?

Never. I have a strange personal outlook so I am not that comfortable at live things much anymore.

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