Slash ft. Myles Kennedy and the Conspirators 4 Album Review

Written By: Zaneta Padilla

Slash ft. Myles Kennedy and the Conspirators 4 Album Review


Anything with Slash or Myles Kennedy attached to it is bound to be great, so it’s no surprise that Slash ft. Myles Kennedy and the Conspirators new album 4 absolutely ROCKS! It’s now available on all streaming and purchasing platforms, so there’s no reason to miss out on this great album.  They’re also touring, so stay tuned for those dates and mark your calendars! 


There are so many great tracks on this album, it’s hard to pick a favorite, but “Fill my World” stands out in particular. It has those arpeggio-type licks Slash made famous in “Sweet Child Of Mine.” It has a great melody throughout the track. Slash says, “Musically, I came up with it at my studio. It was just the opening riff and then the underlying chord changes started to come out in my mind. I wasn’t really sure if I was going to pursue it or not…it has a certain sentimental kind of feel to it. I sent it to Myles and he came back with a really heartfelt lyric.” Kennedy wrote the lyrics from his loved one’s perspective: “So, I have this little Shih Tzu named Mozart –he tries to act all tough, but he’s really not. And on one occasion we couldn’t get home, I think our flight was delayed or something, and there was a really intense storm over our house. We have one of those little camera systems to keep an eye on the dog when we can’t be there, and we saw him just freaking out. It was really heartbreaking to watch. It terrified the little guy. So, the narrative of the song is inspired by what I imagined he might have been thinking as it all went down. And his plea to us to come home. When you listen to it, yeah, it could apply to just a regular relationship between humans. But I thought it was interesting, at least for me, to sing it from Mozart’s perspective.” 


“April Fools” was another song that stood out to me. It has a fun energy that gets your foot tapping. The lyrics are especially empowering and fun,” I’m not your clown, I’m not your dog, won’t be your whipping post…but look who’s laughing. In the end it’s safe to say I guess the jokes on you.” Kennedy says it’s one of his favorite tracks. “A really fun track. Lyricallys it’s about being played, and ultimately you realize you’ve had enough and you decide you’re going to have the last laugh in the end.”


The last track I want to write about is “Fall Back To Earth.” It has a very chill and mellow vibe with its slower rhythm and melody, but I love the gritty, growling guitar in this track. It’s a song that was years in the making with the beginning of it being worked on after a GnR tour while Slash was on safari, and all the pieces came together in Nashville with Myles and David Cobb. “This is one of those tracks that has the hallmark of what Slash does melodically with his guitar parts. It’s what so many people gravitate toward in his playing.” Says Kennedy ”As far as the lyric, it’s about watching someone gain the world while losing themselves. It’s written from the perspective of seeing someone do that, while also letting them know that you’ll be there to catch them when it all comes crashing down. But in general, the hook in this one is so “Slash.” To me it really defines what he does. For that reason, I think it’s going to be a fan favorite.” 


Do yourself a favor, and check out this album, and absolutely catch them on tour!


Track list:

  1. The River Is Rising
  2. Whatever Gets You By
  3. C’est La Vie
  4. The Path Less Followed 
  5. Actions Speak Louder Than Words
  6. Spirit Love
  7. Fill My World
  8. April Fools
  9. Call Off The Dogs
  10. Fall Back To Earth
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