Dope’s Blood Money Part Zer0

Written By: Zaneta Padilla

Dope's Blood Money Part Zer0

Dope is releasing their seventh studio album this month after 7 years since their last album!  Blood Money Part Zer0 is scheduled to release February 24. The band is giving away digital copies of this album to all fans on their website at Pre-orders for physical copies are also available. I am so grateful to the fans who have supported me and this band,” says Edsel. “I appreciate your patience and the trusting relationship that we have built together. I never half ass anything, and  believe that anything worth doing, is worth doing right, so sometimes it takes longer than expected. I’ve come to learn that the time between releases only makes our connection stronger and the bond between this band and our fans is unbreakable. I truly love you all!

The first few bars of “No Respect” start the album off strong with those intricate speed guitar arpeggios and deep vocals. When Dope goes on tour, this is the song to open up the pit!

“Believe” is the second track on this album, and it features Drama Club. To be fully transparent, I did not care for this track, simply because there were a lot of effects on the vocals that took away from their natural talent. To me, it was distracting from the rest of the song. Drama Club is featured on a few other tracks, “Misery” and “Lovesong,” and those singles were great! “Misery” gave off a “Tainted Love” vibe.

“Best of Me” has a music video already out. The song itself is rad, but the visuals made me love the song even more, featuring an underground fight cage with badass women fighters. This is now going to be one of the best walk out songs for fighters.

“Choke” has the potential to be the next “Die MFer Die.” It has that energetic rhythm and the violence its predecessor has when you’re just sick of someone’s shit and want them to choke and fuck off.

Just the fact that Dope is releasing a new album is exciting and I think fans are thankful for that. Adding that Dope wants to give it to fans in gratitude for their support, is the cherry on top! The humility the band has is what takes them to the top! Make sure you check out their website for upcoming dates, and to get your album, and buy some merch to further support the band!

No respect
Believe (Feat. Drama Club)
Best of Me
Dead World
Misery (Feat. Drama Club)
Lovesong (Feat. Drama Club)
Fuck It Up

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