AMA Motorsports: Dominion Invitational June 4, 2022

2022 return of AMA Motorsports drift events!! Excited to be returning to host this event at gorgeous Dominion Raceway located in Woodford VA

About this event

We are back ! After many ups and downs we have returned to host another ama drift event ! We are beyond excited to have the ability to host this event at a new facility with a road course to fully expand the potential of our drivers and the experience of drifting for our spectators! We need to fill at 55 seats to make this happen and hopefully be able to return in the future !! Please sign up today and let’s get ready to party once again AMA style !


Load in at 7am

Tech from 7:15 to 8:30am

Drivers meeting after tech, then a full day of driving until 5pm when we shut down

This is a family friendly event so bring everyone out and let’s have a great time, not a comp driver ? No worries plenty of seat time for beginners, Novice drivers, Pro am and Professional drivers as well!! Can’t wait to see you all soon!!


Tickets in the description, tickets are live!!

Rules to follow for the event:


*5mph in pit area (speeding in pit area will not be tolerated)

*no drugs or alcohol

*No one outside if their vehicles on track besides event staff, EMS or approved media

*Cars must be tech inspector before driving

*All drivers and passengers must have helmet on and secured prior to staging

*Tandem drivers must have proper safe equipment (cage, suit, shoes, gloves etc)

*Tandem drivers must be approved by staff before staging

*If you spin twice please stop drifting and end your run

*No standing burnouts

*Please clean up after your self including all tires, trash, tools etc that you bring with you

*Flagger will signal for you to start your run, do not start your run unless you are signaled to do so

*If you have vehicle issues on track please signal for staff or ems, do not exit your vehicle on track until staff arrives unless there is a fire

*No loose items in vehicle while drifting

*No hands out vehicle while drifting

*If you see anyone no following these rules please inform a event staff member

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